Saturday, July 6, 2013

My computer and my life has been CrAzY!!

As my title states... My computer has been down and still is:( but slowly I'm getting the issues it has fixed. And my life, has been crazy hectic since my husband took a new job. Which pretty much left me as a single mom during the week to a wild rambunctious 3 year old, and a full time job. To you mothers who do this, I commend you bc it has thrown my life into a crazy spin to where I barely find time to sleep. To ya'll mothers, you all deserve so much more than a wow you rock! Thankfully, my husband decided he didn't like traveling so much and is coming back by taking a different job :) which means I'll get computer time again!! So, if you read my blogs, please know I will be back soon! I was hoping to save my old computer but if it takes much longer I'm chunking it and buying a new one because I have missed interacting with ya'll!! So with all that being said talk to ya'll soon! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm Back!! And Am posting a funny for today and a teaser of the book I'm reading today...

I'm so excited to be back!  I wasn't able to get on first because I was having a surgery done and knew I would be out of it for a bit and then there was also a death in the family.  But I'm back now and just a little excited. 

Here's your funny.... I just hope ya'll laugh as much as I did! 

I wonder if this would make my husband laugh as much as I did?

Here's your teaser...  It's from the book "Perfectly Unmatched" by Liz Reinhardt.

I might need a dramamine after following the sway of her hips as she mounts the stairs in front of me.  I'm so busy appreciating the careening beauty, I let her lead me down the right side of the hallway and straight to the door of the old man who hoards cats, rather than to my door on the left.  I move one hand to her hip to redirect her, and my index finger and thumb skim over an inch of exposed skin.
 She and I draw identically sharp breaths in and out eyes nail down twin looks of blatant want. 
  The logical sentinel of my brain, the guard that knows all too well that this girl is a beautiful, energetic waft of fresh air I will never be able to tryly draw into my lungs, smacks a sword againsht my gut and tells me to back away.  Slowly.
  But the part of my brain that's nothing more than a dense bog of pheromones and concentrated testosterone explodes its heady hormones all around those pesky logical forces and drowns out any rational thoughs.
 My ears burn and hone in on the whispery rush of her breathing, my nostrils suck in the intoxicating swirl of her scent, and my skin feels the transmission of the electrical pulsse rising off her. 
 She pushes past me and grabs my doorknob without asking or waiting for an introduction, because the spill of crazy feelings is more than we know how to deal with and definitely much more than either one of us consders safe to navigate. ...  Cormac's POV.

Hope ya'll enjoyed!  If this book is anything like "Fall Guy" it should be VERY good!  Thanks!  Be back soon!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sorry... :(

Hey everybody!!

 I know I've been out for most of last week and it will be a little longer until I can fully get back on here and give ya'll the attention deserved.  I've had some medical issues come up this past week and will be under the weather most of this week and next week.  I'll be back at the end of the month or as sooner if possible!   I'm sorry and I'll miss ya'll!

Thank you,


Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Funny!!

This one for some reason just cracks me up!! Hope ya'll laugh too! I also hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend. 

I wonder how many times this had to happen before they put up the sign? hahaha

Friday, March 29, 2013

Music of the Heart by Katie Ashley


Katie Ashley has done it again.  Her writing just blows me away at times.  Her stories are always intense and heart warming. She has an amazing talent with words and putting them together to help draw you in. 

Jake is your egotistical bad boy rocker and he's not use to being told "no!"  But under that bad boy rocker's wall is a soft hearted man wanting to be loved and to love.  When he meets Abby, he's not sure what to think.  He realizes very fast that Abby isn't your typical girl and she's not a groupie.  She actually is everything he would want in a girl... The kind of girl he would want to bring home to his mama.  But can he keep her after screwing up time and time again?  Can his Angel save him?

Abby isn't your everyday kinda girl.  She's talented with music, actually cares about people (even ones she's never met), and she has love to give.  When Abby firsts meets Jake... let's just say she was in for a surprise.  As she gets to know him she sees past his walls, and see's the man inside.  Though he screws up and even tries to push her away several times, it doesn't change her love for him.  But is her love enough?  Can she save him? 

Here's a little something extra for ya'll.....

This book is amazing and it had me laughing and crying at the same time.  I couldn't put it down, nor did I want too.  This is a must read and I will be owning it in paperback as soon as/if it comes out.  I will be recommending to all of my friends... because I just loved these characters.  They had a real connection and Katie did a wonderful job laying it out to where you could actually feel their connection.  This will be a book I turn to again and again.  

Katie Ashley's Bio:

These things always sound overly pretentious, don't they?
*Strokes chin* What to say about me?!!!
Anyway, I was born and raised in the burbs of Atlanta. I'm an only child with a large extended family much like the one in My Big Fat Greek Wedding...except we're Southerners.
I have a BA in English, a BS in Secondary English Education, and a Masters in Adolesecent English Education. I've been teaching English for twelve years in both middle and high school. I've also taught adjunct classes at a local college where I had students waaay older than me, and that was a weird one!
I'm also a former cheerleading coach. Nothing teaches you about life quite like being stuck on a bus with a squad of fifteen year old girls!! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Okay, so I have a couple of questions for ya'll... Please feel free to comment or if you don't want to comment you can send me a email at

    What kind of things would ya'll like to see on my blog?  Besides reviews and such?

    What kind of give aways would ya'll like to see and participate in?

    Would you like to see sneak peeks from Authors?

    What about a guessing game of sorts... Like a passage from a book and you guess what book and author? 

Think about it and let me know.  I'm really interested in everything ya'll have to say. 

Thanks for ya'lls help,



Flat-Out-Matt by Jessica Park


Oh wow! I just love Matt and Julie. I really think that they are one of my favorite book couples. He is just so sweet, thoughtful, attentive, smart, funny, and the list just keeps going! reading in his POV just added something extra to their story and Jessica Park out did herself! She is an amazing auther.

Julie and Matt may have started off with a lot going against them but when they are able to get through those difficulties and see their true feelings for one another, the reader is able to feel the connection between the two as well. If you haven't read "Flat-Out-Love" yet then you need too and then read "Flat-Out-Matt" because you won't be sorry. You'll fall in love with all the characters of this book and want more.

This book is a short read but worth every cent you pay for it and every minute you spend reading it.

Jessica Park's bio:

Author Jessica Park
Jessica Park is the author of the young adult novels FLAT-OUT LOVE and RELATIVELY FAMOUS; five Gourmet Girl mysteries (written as Jessica Conant-Park); and the e-shorts FACEBOOKING RICK SPRINGFIELD and WHAT THE KID SAYS (Parts 1 & 2).
Jessica grew up in the Boston area and attended Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. After spending four years in the frigid north, including suffering through one memorable Halloween blizzard, Jessica hightailed it back to the east coast. She now lives in (relatively balmy) New Hampshire with her husband, son, bananas dog named Fritzy, and two selfish cats. When not writing, Jessica indulges her healthy addictions to Facebook, Rick Springfield, and super-sweet coffee beverages.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Late "Monday"/ Tuesday Funnies and a Teaser!!

Okay so I'm late with my Monday Funny so I'm making it Funnies by giving you more than one funny picture and a teaser from Music  of the Heart by Katie Ashley.  Hope ya'll enjoy!! 

Okay so this one makes me think of my sister's cat Rascal.  He's a evil fat thing and only likes me when he has too.  Next time I have to "babysit" him for my sister I may try this... (my evil laugh inserted here) BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

This is so me and my friends... :)

Now for the teaser portion of this blog......              

"Well, if you don't need anything else, I guess I'll go back to bed."  When I started to my roost, Jake grabbed my arm, pulling me against him.  "Sleep with me," he whispered in my ear.
  I jerked away, ready to launch into a tirade for him playing on my emotions to put the moves on me when the tormented expression on his face stopped me cold.
  He stared pleadingly into my eyes.  "I'm still so fucking scared, Angel.  I need someone just to hold tonight so I won't be alone."
  I had to fight to catch my breath.  How was it possible that the broken, vulnerable guy in front of me and the cocky, self-absorbed Jake infuriated me were one in the same? 
  "No funny business?"
He shook his head.  "I swear."

hmmm, I wonder if Jake can keep that promise?  go get the book and find out! 

What is everyone reading today?  Or something good you've read lately?  I'm always looking for new reads. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Saving Us by Jennifer Foor


As Conner and Amy hope for a future together, they are faced with troubles standing in their way.
With a baby in their near future, Conner takes charge and will stop at nothing until he can claim Amy as his, forever.
There is only one thing stopping them...
Amy's ex.

This book is intended to be read in order with the series. It may contain content that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. It contains strong sexual and other adult situations.

Jennifer does it again! Saving us is everything I expected and more.  All of her characters have chemistry that you can actually feel and boy oh boy do you feel Conner and Amy's connection to one another.  This book starts off where book 5 "Wanting More" left off.  The different twists and turns in this book keep you on the edge of my seat and glued to the pages.  I was pleased with how this book turned out, and each of those twists and turns would floor me time and time again because I wouldn't be expecting what would happen. But to me that only makes a book better when you can't predict what will occur.  Those are my favorite kinds of books.  Amy and Conner go through a lot in this book but always manage to put there love for one another first... After a fight or two anyways and some steamy make-up sex (sometimes middle argument sex).  When Rick finally does make his appearance both Connor and Amy will stop at nothing to save the ones they love and they get help in the least likely of places.  
     The side characters in this book, Colt, Van, Ty, and Miranda help make everything funny.  With those four and add Conner and Amy to the mix, you can expect a good laugh every couple of pages.  And they don't disappoint one bit.  I know one thing I would hate to be on the receiving end of their pranks... But then again, I don't think I would ever want to make Mrs. Foor mad either ;) , she seems like she can come up with some pranks.  As all the other books in this series, it will not disappoint and is well worth the read.  Conner is as cocky as ever and Amy is a stubborn and sassy as ever and I'm sure you'll fall in love with them even more.  

PLEASE READ THIS SERIES IN ORDER or you'll spoil it for yourself.  

Now here is a little about Jennifer:

A Maryland native who spends most of her time
devising a plan to live off the land on some remote island, where no one will ever find her.

She is a married mother of two kids, who may or may not drive her completely bonkers. In her spare time she enjoys shooting pool, camping and spending time with friends and family.

COVER REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!! Hard As It Gets by Laura Kaye

I'm excited to get to do a cover reveal for Laura Kaye!! 

Tall, dark, and lethal...

Trouble just walked into Nicholas Rixey's tattoo parlor. Becca Merritt is warm, sexy, wholesome-pure catnip to a very jaded Nick. He's left his military life behind to become co-owner of Hard Ink Tattoo, but Becca is his ex-commander's daughter. Loyalty won't let him turn her away. Lust has plenty to do with it too.

With her brother presumed kidnapped, Becca needs Nick. She just wasn't expecting to want him so much. As their investigation turns into all-out war with an organized crime ring, only Nick can protect her. And only Becca can heal the scars no one else sees.

Desire is the easy part. Love is as hard as it gets. Good thing Nick is always up for a challenge...

Wow, sounds hot right!!!  Well here's where you can pre-order it at.... And don't forget to add it to your Goodreads TBR!

Amazon Kindle Pre-Order:
Amazon Paperback Pre-Order:
Nook Pre-Order Coming Soon:
Add to Goodreads:
Grab Laura's badge here....
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About Laura Kaye:

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of nearly a dozen books in contemporary and paranormal romance. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

THE INFERNAL DEVICES WILL NEVER STOP COMING A net of shadows begins to tighten around the Shadowhunters of the London Institute. Mortmain plans to use his Infernal Devices, an army of pitiless automatons, to destroy the Shadowhunters. He needs only one last item to complete his plan: he needs Tessa Gray. Charlotte Branwell, head of the London Institute, is desperate to find Mortmain before he strikes. But when Mortmain abducts Tessa, the boys who lay equal claim to her heart, Jem and Will, will do anything to save her. For though Tessa and Jem are now engaged, Will is as much in love with her as ever. As those who love Tessa rally to rescue her from Mortmain’s clutches, Tessa realizes that the only person who can save her is herself. But can a single girl, even one who can command the power of angels, face down an entire army? Danger and betrayal, secrets and enchantment, and the tangled threads of love and loss intertwine as the Shadowhunters are pushed to the very brink of destruction in the breathtaking conclusion to the Infernal Devices trilogy.


I cried, I laughed, and I did a little of both at the same time.  This book took me on an emotional roller coaster ride and I'll be honest, I loved every minute of it and I never wanted it to end. Speaking of ending.... I was concerned how this book would end and I was pleasantly surprised with the ending and add that I loved the ending Cassandra came up with.  I never sided with a "Team Will" or a "Team Jem"  I loved them both.  Okay, let me rephrase that.... I wanted Tessa to be with Will because he deserved a happy ending (expecially after believing for so long he was cursed) and he was just so funny, sweet, and had so much in common with Tessa.  At the same time though, I loved Jem too.  He was sweet, thoughtful, and had so much love to give. That I felt like he was getting the shaft with knowing he was dying.  I also wanted him to get the girl (Tessa) because he deserved a little "happily ever after."  The ending was perfect (not telling how it ends because for those who haven't read it I don't want to spoil it for you).  Those of you who have read it.... know what I'm talking about.  I'm also hoping that they'll get show up again in The Mortal Instruments sixth book City Of Heavenly Fire (I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyways).  This book, like all the others in this series are just a wonderful read.  Cassandra Clare takes you to a world where you lose yourself  immediately in and want to stay.  The characters are all well thought out and you can feel their connections to one another.  You never question Tessa's love for Will and Jem and their love for her.  I don't know what else to add without putting spoilers in here.  I really don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't gotten to read it yet.  Just trust me when I say this is a wonderful book. 

This book is a must read and if you haven't read this series you need too.  You won't be sorry.  You'll end up wanting more and more... just like everyone else!  If you're looking for a book to read get this series.  You'll be very happy you did.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Birthday Wishes By Braxton Cole


Mmm, where to start? Well I know one thing for sure... Can I have a Luca?  Can we say WOW!  I found a new book boyfriend!  :) This man has me wanting a "list" of my own but only if I can have him too!  :)  This book may be a short novella but it was a hot steamy read!  I can't wait for the next book on Mari and Luca to come out, because this book kept me glued to the pages and on the edge of my seat waiting to see what Mari and Luca would do next on their "lists".  Loved them as character's and really liked their chemistry with one another.

This author has amazing skills and I can't wait to read more by her.  She's been added to my list of fav's and will keep a eye out for her future work. 
If you're looking for a short steamy read, then this book is for you and you won't be disappointed with Birthday Wishes by Braxton Cole.

Check out her web page to learn more about her and what books and novellas she has coming out soon.  Here's where to find her:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Captivated - A Club Destiny Novella By Nicole Edwards


Is that cover hot or what?  Nicole and her crew know how to attrack attention and not a single one of her books lack cover appeal. 

As you can tell Nicole is a personal favorite of mine, since this book and my last book I reviewed was by her.  That should tell you something people.  She's a very talented author and love her work. 

Lucie and Kane have a past... but Kane doesn't exactly remember it.  Lucie has a secret, one that she's kept from Kane for 5 years.  When the time comes and she tells Kane they share a daughter, he's floored.  He also realizes that those "dreams" he's had about Lucie aren't dreams at all but a night he wishes he could remember.  After forgiving Lucie from keeping their daughter a secret from him, he soon realizes that he wants both girls in his life... permanently.  He just has to convice Lucie.  Little does he know that Lucie has loved him since that night 5 years ago.  She just keeps her feelings to herself since she's convinced that Kane could never love her back after keeping such a secret.  Little does she realize, Kane has plans on getting what he wants.  The events of this book are juicy and steamy and I loved every minute of reading it.  This is a short Novella but it doesn't disappoint and keeps you glued to the pages until the very end.  With lines throughout the book like these how could you not want more.....

"I'm coming over.  You better be there when I get there." - Who could say no to that :)

"I need a shower,"   "It's down the hall,"   "Show me,"  "Turn on the water, Lucie,"  "Kane,"  "We can't run from this,"  "Do you want to run from me, Luckie?" - NOPE, pretty sure I my feet would be glued to the floor!

"Open them,"  "Open your eyes and watch me, Lucie."-  More than positive I wouldn't be able to focus on anything else!

"Don't leave me,"   "Talk to me.  Don't pull away from me, Lucie." - A guy that wants to talk too?  I'd stay!

"If you make a sound, they'll hear you," - Not sure what I would do... ;)

Okay that's enough lines, if those few caught your interest.  Well go get the book because there are a lot more where those came from... I was just giving you little teases! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Teaser Tuesday!

My teaser comes to you today by Nicole Edwards from her newest book Captivated (Club Destiny).  It was a short novella but very worth the read


"Yes and I know the drill now, Kane. I'll call you as soon as I get there."  Her tone was guarded, her eyes filled with irritation.

  " I'm coming by," he informed her, and he hoped she heard the lack of request in his tone.  He wasn't asking permission.

"Haley's not there. She's at my mother's."

"I know," Kane replied.  "Thats's why I'm coming by.  We need to talk."

Lucie eyed him suspiciously for a minute, maybe two before she shook her head, telling him no.  "I'm too tired right now.  Can we do this tomorrow?"

"No." That was his final answer.  Kane wasn't putting this off any longer.  They didn't have to talk if she didn't want to, but he was still going to her house.  Whatever this was that he felt for her, he was almost certain she felt it too.  Since this was the perfect opportunity to test the waters, he wasn't going to back down on this one. 

"I'll be there in half an hour." Kane said, "I've got to finish up here."

"Kane, I don't-"

Before Lucie could come up with any more excuses, Kane pressed up against her, eliminating all of the space that had been separating them.  He placed his finger on her lips to shut her up, although he'd had much preferred to use his mouth, but he was cognizant of where they were.  "I'm coming over.  You better be there when I get there."

So what do ya'll think?  Do you think they talk when Kane get's to Lucie's?  Or do you think the talking comes later... much later? :)  Go get the book to find out!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Funnies 2

So here is your Monday Funny for today!  Hope it makes you laugh (like it did me) or at least makes you smile just alittle. 

Ok so I find this funny because my 3 year old has made me watch this movie until we KNOW every last line... So if the cat really did "find" Nemo... for me, that means we could start a new "favorite" movie! haha

So what is everyone readying this week? 

I'm about to start Captivated by Nicole Edwards.  I can't wait since she's one of my favorite's.  I'll review for ya'll as soon as I finish. 

Hope you have a HAPPY MONDAY!! 

And for all of you that is feeling alittle under the weather from the weekends activities... Just remember, lots of water and a tylenol.  Hope you feel better! 

Don't forget tell me what you're reading?  I truly want to know, because I love hearing from you all and learning what books interest ya'll.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Infatuation By Nicole Edwards


Can I just say Nicole Edwards has out done herself yet again.  This woman is a amazing author who's books draw you in until you feel like you are a part of the book. Her character's are all interesting and keep you on edge. You'll never know exactly what to expect, and I assure you, you won't be disappointed! Both of her series, Club Destiny and Alluring Indulgence, fit together and flow together so well. This doesn't always happen with spin off series's, and yet Nicole does it fabulously well.  *Clapping for this brilliant author, because she deserves it*. Before I review this book let me say that if you aren't Facebook friends with Nicole or her husband Colt, do so now. She updates her page often and her husband always has interesting ;) things to share. They truly make a wonderful team.  Now on to my review of Infatuation (Club Destiny). 

First just let me say I needed a fan for over half the book because it was so HOTT!! That's right, this book got an extra "T"!! As I like all of Mrs. Edwards' books so far, this one like all the others kept me glued to my kindle. The two main characters Tag and McKenna were two of my favorite thus far (in the Club Destiny series) and I just loved them.  I loved how possessive they were but didn't hold the past against the other, even when it came back to haunt them.  I liked how you caught glimpse's of past characters and could still feel their love for one another and got to see future characters and a glimpse at their personalities and future's (hopefully)!  Which of course left me wanting more!!  *SPOILER* When Tag proposed... I about cried! It was the sweetest thing ever because even though it was in his point of view... You could tell McKenna was nervous about that article and the last thing she expected was for Tag to propose.  I loved how Tag would give her the "control" she thought she needed but knew before she did, she didn't really want the control she wanted him to have it. 

This book was just WOW!  Read it.... You won't be sorry! More than likely, if you haven't read anything by this amazing author you will be hooked and adding a new favorite to your list.  Do read them in order though. 

The next book in this series can't come fast enough!! I'm chomping at the bit!! Good thing the next book in the Alluring Indulgence comes out soon... Zane... Should be a very interesting and steamy read!! Since we somewhat got a glimpse in Zane's life while reading Kaleb, you understand what I'm talking about!! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Teaser Tuesday....


Infatuation by Nicole Edwards

Tag couldn't get enough of her, and he figured she felt the same when she began thrusting her pelvis against his raging hard on, grinding against him until he was furiously working to release his slacks, at the same time trying to hold her. It wasn't that she was heavy, but there was so much movement, her hands snaking between them trying desperately to remove his shirt. When it was apparent she wasn't having any luck, he heard the sound of buttons snapping off and flying against the wall behind her. 

So this is what I'm reading today? Sounds good right? Well you're right!! 

What are you reading today? Feel free to share a scene with me! Always looking for new reads! 

Happy Tuesday!! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Funnies

So here is my new Monday post. I'm going to try to make it a weekly thing. I'm thinking everyone needs a funny pick me up on Mondays! So here's to making you laugh... Hope it works!!! 
Happy Monday Everybody!!!  

So anyone reading anything intertesting this week or lately?  I'm currently reading Infatuation (Club Destiny) by Nicole Edwards.  Big fan of hers.  

Anyways, if my kindle with start acting right I'll be able to do a teaser Tuesday tomorrow but at the moment I may have to pick another book because it is looking like my Kindle that I've had for awhile now is maybe crashing???  So with that being said.... Happy Mondady to ME! Monday must not hate me to terribly much because my kindle didn't crash! Yay me!! 


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wait For You by J. Lynn


Wow, Jennifer Armentrout strikes again!! Another fabulous read that left me wanting more. Her books always keep me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens with each turn of the page and this one did not disappoint. As a matter of fact, I'm tempted to re-read it now because I didn't want it to end. I wanted to see more of Avery's happily ever after. Becuase I do believe she deserved one after everything she went through. And Cam, where do I begin? He's hot, funny and you can tell he deeply cares about Avery. Never once in the book did I not feel their connection... those are the best kind of books. When you can ACTUALLY feel the connection between the main characters. But seriously, it didn't just end there. Like the entire time I kept thinking, "Dangit Brit, you are better than this Jimmie guy"! I wanted to see her hooked up with Ollie or somebody who treated her with respect! Who didn't love Jacob?!?! He reminded me of one of my friends and I fell in love with him as well!! Every character in this book made me feel something and I didn't want this book to end because I wanted more of everyone of their story's... SIGH...
The things Avery went through when she was younger is hard to push through but she did it, and in the end it made her stronger and helped her heal but pulled her closer together with Cam. Cam also has his past and regrets, but doesn't let that fear stop him from telling Avery. In the end, telling their darkest secrets bring them closer together and concreting their feelings for each other even more. Though they do go through some hard times with one another it's not something that they can't work through.
This book is a book you won't be able to put down and will read again and again. If you haven't read it then please do because you won't be sorry. You'll love the book and you'll quickly be hooked on Jennifer's writing style. She's an amazing author and you'll quickly be adding her to your top favorite authors.  I give this book 5 fabulous stars ***** because it rocked!  And now feel like I can't start another book because my Cam/Avery time is over but don't want it over... I hate when that happens with books but then at the same time it lets you know just how good a book is!  Hope you enjoy as much as I did!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Rush By Maya Banks

 This book is intended for Mature Readers!  I'm just going to throw that out first thing.  This is the first time I have ever read anything by Maya Banks but I can assure you it WILL NOT be the last!  I loved her writing style so much.  The minute I picked it up it was a struggle to go to bed every night because I didn't want to put it down.  This book was amazing and I can't wait for the other two to come back out.  I can say that I have now added a new favorite author to my ever growing list of favorite authors.  If you haven't read her books like me and are alittle nervous like I was. I promise you that you have nothing to be nervous about.  She has a wonderful writing style and I couldn't have been happier.  The only thing I was mad about was that I waited so long to read the book since I've had it since it came out! 

Gabe is a highly motivated, highly successful man.  He and his two best friends worked hard to get where they are at the top but not without downfalls along the way.  For Gabe, one of those downfalls is women and love.  After being burned once by his now ex-wife, he refuses to put his heart out there... so everything is like a business deal... contract and all.  The only problem is he wants Mia.  He's lusted after her since she was younger.  The only problem is she is his best friends little sister.  He just can't wait any longer and he's willing to risk his friendship and business realationship to have Mia.  I loved Gabe, he was a wonderful character and he just draws you in.  He's upfront about what he wants and doesn't plan on changing... or does he? 

Mia, is Jace's little sister.  She's down to earth and has been "protected" by Jace her whole life but expecially since their parents where killed in a accident when she was younger.  He stepped up and became the rolls of mother, father, and big brother.  Mia already feels like Jace takes care of her so much... paid for her schooling, bought her apartment, etc.  So she doesn't like asking for things even though she knows he would get anything she asked for.  She works at alittle pastry shop and trys to live off that little bit of money so she doesn't have to ask her brother for anything more than she has too.  Her secret though is she has lusted after her brothers best friend, Gabe, since she was 16.  Now she's 24, her lust has gotten even stronger.  So when Gabe makes a propisition, it's one she just can't refuse even if there is the small minor detail of a contract involved.  Mia knows that Gabe doesn't fall in love but that doesn't stop her from hoping she's different. 

This is a must read!!!  I try not and write spoilers in my reviews because I can't stand to read a spoiler if I haven't read a book.  I like to be surprised each time I turn the page and this book kept me there the entire time.  You won't be sorry that you read this book.  Hope you enjoy as much as I did.  If you have already read it leave a comment on what you though as well.  If you haven't and want to ask a question about the book leave a comment and I will be more than happy to try and answer it for you.  Happy FRIDAY everyone! 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How It Rolls (A Love and Skate Novel) By Lila Felix

Despite the odds, Reed Wolfe is making it, by the skin of her teeth. Her dreams and aspirations will have to wait until she can get on her feet. Because right now she’s homeless and churning on a downward spiral.

Falcon Black is existing. Not living, not thriving, just jutting along a path. When he finds Reed, he can’t resist the urge to help her, lighten her load. But Falcon tends to go overboard, over the line, crossing boundaries he never thought he would and risking her trust in the process.

Can she accept his love or will it end up smothering her?


Where do I begin... hmm... Yes, I know!  I love Falcon Black!  I didn't think I could love him more than I did Owen (his big brother) but I totally fell for him!  He is just beyond sweet and I could have ate him up!  I couldn't put his book down to save my life.  I never thought I would fall for the punk type but I'd take me a Falcon in a heartbeat!  Okay, okay, enough of me going on and on about my book crush on Falcon, now lets get to the good stuff... Falcon and Reed and their story!!

Falcon seems to almost fall for Reed almost as soon as he meets her.  All he wants to do is constantly take care of her.  He finds out her situation and yet doesn't say anything that would hurt her pride.  He finds ways around taking care of her without her knowing he's "taking" care of her so to speak.  There were parts of this book that made me want to cry!  And I didn't even cry during Titanic... because I'm just so hardcore like that... yea we'll go with that :~) HAHA!!  

Reed has been thrown one hard ball after another and doesn't know what to expect with Falcon except that she doesn't want to stop seeing him but at the same time she's not ready to admitt all of her secrets to him either.... her being homeless (she has her pride after all), and she's scared it will make him turn away from her.  She falls for Falcon but of course after the life she has been given she's not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing but tries the best she knows how. 

Seriously, I love them both!!  I can't wait till the Third book comes out about Maddox!!  Plus, I'll have more of my fix of Nellie & Owen and Reed & Falcon. 

Lila Felix is awesome!  I love her writing style and she hasn't wrote a book yet that I didn't enjoy and want to re-read!  This book is a must read and it won't disappoint but before you read this one make sure you pick up "Love and Skate" first.  Again, you won't be sorry!    

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! And Review of "If You Stay" By Courtney Cole

So today is Valentine's Day!  I hope everyone has a wonderful day and if you're looking for a book to read I'm advising you to go out and get "If You Stay" by Courtney Cole.  This book is beyond extraordinary!  I was even mad that I got sick for 2 days and was to sick to even read!  I didn't want to put it down. This book was nothing like I expected and has easily become one of my favorites.


Pax is a character that you just can't help but fall in love with him almost from the very start. He's a bad boy who has issues that even he doesn't seem to understand.  He doesn't think he deserves to have Mila's love and that she's too good for him.  Even though he thinks this he still can't seem to just walk away from her.

Mila is your typical good girl.  She has trust issues and it takes Pax to get her past them.  I couldn't help but love Mila.  She is so strong.  And the entire time I read this book I couldn't help but think the saying by William Shakespear applied to her... "Though she be tiny, She be fierce".  It took a strong mind and heart to do some of the things she did during this book (I won't say bc I don't want to spoil it for anybody who hasn't read this book).

I liked that this book isn't your typical love story.  You know where they are perfect at first, then have a silly/big misunderstanding and break up for a while (not that I don't like those books because lord knows I do but I did like the change up this time), and then get back together.  This didn't follow that outline, it carried a more real life feel and I thoroughly enjoyed the change up.  I can't wait till the second book comes out in this series.  I'll be ready to know more about Pax and Mila but also to get to know Mila's sister Madison better.  Again, if you haven't read this book you are missing out.  Perfect valentine's present to yourself... and depending on your date... you might find it more entertaining!  :)

Courtney Cole is a amazing author.  Her writing style is just phenomenal.  She draws you in from the very beginning and makes you not want to put the book down and wish that it never ends.  I have read almost everything she has wrote and haven't been disappointed yet.  I don't think any of you will be either.  If you haven't read any of her books check out her webpage.... or look her up on Facebook. 

So have any of ya'll read this book yet?  If so what did ya'll think? 


Friday, February 8, 2013


Ok, so I'm finally back and able to blog again!  Been having computer issues but have now been takin care of... FINALLY!  Was going crazy there for a bit!  So I have decided since I've been horrible lately with being able to log on even on my work computer (been swamped) that I'm going to do a give away!!  Anyone interested???  To enter for it you have to follow my blog!  :)  Not so hard right?  When I have 25 followers I'll give away a $25.00 amazon gift card to one of my followers!  If I reach 50 I'll do a drawing for a $50.00 gift card, but lets start with getting 25 follors! 

So what do ya'll thinik?  Want to try and win?  Let's have some fun because I love give aways!  And I'm hoping to do many more!  Thanks!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The rules are easy.  Pick up whatever book you are reading. Flip through and pick any page and tell me the book name and give me a teaser!  Have fun!  I know I will!


      My book I'm just now picking up is Wanting More by Jennifer Foor!

And now here is my teaser for y'all....

"You promised you wouldn't touch me." Tears filled her eyes.
I wiped them away with my fingers. "I lied."  My lips pressed against Amy's.  Just like my stolen kisses before, I pulled away before she could reciprocate.  I cupped her face in my hands and waited for her to push me away.  After a few seconds I kissed her again.  "Do you want me to stop?"
Her eyes were still closed from our kiss.  I looked down at her puffy lips and couldn't wait to feel them again.  This woman needed to be consumed.  She needed to know that she was sexy as hell and desired, and I wanted to the guy to show her.
When she didn't reply, I brushed my mouth against hers.  "Tell me you want me to stop, Blaze."
I could feel her increased breathing as she spoke.  "I don't!"

That's Conner and Amy!!  I can already tell this book is going to be just as good as the other ones if not better!!  Hurry up and pick it up, it came out for kindle yesterday!!  I'll do a full review on it as soon as I finish it!!  Thanks and have fun with Pick a Page Tuesday!  I know I can't wait to read what all y'all pick!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies...

That's what Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she's never had before. He terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past she wishes could just stay buried.

Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he's nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn't at all who he's been claiming to be. When the secrets he's been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky's life will change forever.


Um, wow! This is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of this book.  I couldn't put it down. I cried, laughed, and did alittle of both at the same time while reading this book.  I have to say that this is one of the most intense books I have read in a very long time and I suggest if you haven't read it yet, that you need to move it to the top of your book list like NOW! Where do I even begin.  I just never saw the direction this book was going until near the end.  Usually I can read something and be like I know how this is going to go... but this book wasn't like that.  Sky is such a strong character and I love her to death!  She never seems to give up even when everything seems to crash down on her she picks herself back up and keeps facing the problem.  All I can say about Holder is can I have one?  But seriously, his character is also so strong and intense.  You don't get his POV in the book but it's never hard to figure out what he's thinking or going to do because Colleen Hoover is just that good of a writer and makes you feel like the characters are real and it's a scene playing out in front of you or something.  This book was so well written that I didn't even find a written error while reading it... and that's rare.  I usually always find some small mistake (nothing major just small words mispelled or something like that) but with this book I didn't find any and it made it even easier to get lost in the pages.  I give this book 5 stars ***** even though it deserves so much more.  I bought it on my kindle but I've already ordered it for my bookshelf as well because it will be picked up time and time again.  It will also be one that I don't loan out to friends :).... it might be gifts but they won't be reading or messing up mine!  Fair warning though, you should at least be 17+ for this book not just because of the sexual content but because of abuse content.  It's for mature readers for sure.  Either way if you haven't read this yet don't wait any longer because you are missing out!  It just became one of my all time favorites.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Mitchell Family Series (books 1 - 4.5) by Jennifer Foor

Normally I write first whats on the back of the book and then add what I thought about the book, but since I'm reviewing all five books in one blog I'm changing it just alittle.  These books have easliy become some of my favorite reads and you can be sure I will be picking them up again and again.  The characters really draw me into their stories. 

Letting Go:
The first book (Letting Go) is about Colt and Van and their story and what they go through to be together.  The way they fight what they feel so they don't hurt Ty (Van's boyfriend and Colt's cousin) almost made me cry!  The entire time I was like "NO YOU IDIOTS SPEAK UP!!".  When Ty finds out, and Colt and Van finally do speak up. Colt is willing to risk his close friendship with his cousin so he can have Van because to him she's the one.  Van is willing to risk even more public ridicule and her best friend for Colt.  It was wonderfully written and pulled me in from the very first page!  I give it 5 stars *****!  I loved Colt and he easily became my favorite character (with Ty coming in at a close second once he started to behave himself at the end of the book).

                                                            Folding Hearts:
The second book is Ty and Miranda and Bella's story.  At the end of book one Miranda goes into labor and Van and Ty help her deliver Bella in the backseat of Van's car.  Miranda has always had a thing for bad boys and seems to always pick the worst ones.  With Tucker it is no different.  The felt like her having their child would change his ways.  When she realizes it's not going to happen and he threatens her and Bella.  Her family send them to Ty's family farm in a different state to keep them safe.  Ty watched Bella be born and has felt connected to her ever since.  He video chats with her, and carries all of her pictures in his wallet.  He's grown up and not as interested in only getting laid.  He wants what he can't and shouldn't... Miranda!  When she shows up at his door unexpectedly, his life feels complete in a matter of days.  He realizes he'll do anything to keep Miranda and Bella safe and with him.  They become a family in what feels like no time, whether the rest of their families like it or not.  This book wasn't my favorite but that's because Van in this book seemed bitchy until the end and it's explained....Thankfully!!  I do give this book 4.5 stars ****+.  I really enjoyed this book and the only parts I didn't like was the Van's bitchiness and what seemed like jealousy on her part.  The rest of the book was a fantastic read.

Raging Love:
This book is back to Colt and Van.  They are trying to get all the arrangements done so they can get married and live their happily ever after.  After certain troubles, Colt goes above and beyond and is certainly very close to being the perfect about to be husband!!  Their honeymoon is funny since Ty and Miranda come along too.  You know with Ty everything is a competition!  Colt and Van are trying to have a baby and when they finally do get pregnant you would think life wouldn't throw them a hardball but Tucker reappears in their lifes and changes things for them in the worst kind of way.  Once everything seems to settle down again... things begin to look up and the book ends on a happy note because I'm pretty sure I would have thrown a hissy fit otherwise!  Giving this book 5 stars ***** because as with all the others it was wonderfully written and kept me drawn in the story to where I couldn't put the book down.  Poor customers are work who interupted me, either by calling or walking in... I'm sure I wasn't very nice! 

Risking Fate:
This book goes back to Ty and Miranda.  They are trying to get pregnant again and when they do they get a BIG surprise!  On a visit back to Kentucky, they make a pit stop for food and restroom breaks when they run into Tucker's mother.  She soon has them served with papers stating she wants to be apart of Bella's life.  Ty is heartbroken and will do anything to keep his daughter only with him and their family and keep her away from that evil woman.  He has to ask for help from a person he wishes he never had to see again.  Choices are made and what felt like the right ones ended up being the wrong ones.  Then the worst happens.  After all they've been through though, they fight all odds and manage to continue to be a family even though a blast from Ty's past wants revenge and to sabotage his happily ever after with Miranda and Bella.  This book I also give 5 stars ***** because I just loved it!  It was again beautifully written and the characters drew you into their story and I loved every minute of it!

Wrapping Up:
This book is a short story about Thanksgiving being hosted by Colt and Van and a short story about Christmas being hosted by Ty and Miranda.  I think I laughed the entire time over the antics of all of them.  I give this book 5 stars ***** for keeping me in tears from laughing so hard and just being good and yummy!!  

I recommend these books and feel like it is for mature readers but I would say 17+.  

I also can't wait for the 5th book to come out!  It is about Conner (and we all love Conner)!!