Saturday, July 6, 2013

My computer and my life has been CrAzY!!

As my title states... My computer has been down and still is:( but slowly I'm getting the issues it has fixed. And my life, has been crazy hectic since my husband took a new job. Which pretty much left me as a single mom during the week to a wild rambunctious 3 year old, and a full time job. To you mothers who do this, I commend you bc it has thrown my life into a crazy spin to where I barely find time to sleep. To ya'll mothers, you all deserve so much more than a wow you rock! Thankfully, my husband decided he didn't like traveling so much and is coming back by taking a different job :) which means I'll get computer time again!! So, if you read my blogs, please know I will be back soon! I was hoping to save my old computer but if it takes much longer I'm chunking it and buying a new one because I have missed interacting with ya'll!! So with all that being said talk to ya'll soon!