Saturday, July 6, 2013

My computer and my life has been CrAzY!!

As my title states... My computer has been down and still is:( but slowly I'm getting the issues it has fixed. And my life, has been crazy hectic since my husband took a new job. Which pretty much left me as a single mom during the week to a wild rambunctious 3 year old, and a full time job. To you mothers who do this, I commend you bc it has thrown my life into a crazy spin to where I barely find time to sleep. To ya'll mothers, you all deserve so much more than a wow you rock! Thankfully, my husband decided he didn't like traveling so much and is coming back by taking a different job :) which means I'll get computer time again!! So, if you read my blogs, please know I will be back soon! I was hoping to save my old computer but if it takes much longer I'm chunking it and buying a new one because I have missed interacting with ya'll!! So with all that being said talk to ya'll soon! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm Back!! And Am posting a funny for today and a teaser of the book I'm reading today...

I'm so excited to be back!  I wasn't able to get on first because I was having a surgery done and knew I would be out of it for a bit and then there was also a death in the family.  But I'm back now and just a little excited. 

Here's your funny.... I just hope ya'll laugh as much as I did! 

I wonder if this would make my husband laugh as much as I did?

Here's your teaser...  It's from the book "Perfectly Unmatched" by Liz Reinhardt.

I might need a dramamine after following the sway of her hips as she mounts the stairs in front of me.  I'm so busy appreciating the careening beauty, I let her lead me down the right side of the hallway and straight to the door of the old man who hoards cats, rather than to my door on the left.  I move one hand to her hip to redirect her, and my index finger and thumb skim over an inch of exposed skin.
 She and I draw identically sharp breaths in and out eyes nail down twin looks of blatant want. 
  The logical sentinel of my brain, the guard that knows all too well that this girl is a beautiful, energetic waft of fresh air I will never be able to tryly draw into my lungs, smacks a sword againsht my gut and tells me to back away.  Slowly.
  But the part of my brain that's nothing more than a dense bog of pheromones and concentrated testosterone explodes its heady hormones all around those pesky logical forces and drowns out any rational thoughs.
 My ears burn and hone in on the whispery rush of her breathing, my nostrils suck in the intoxicating swirl of her scent, and my skin feels the transmission of the electrical pulsse rising off her. 
 She pushes past me and grabs my doorknob without asking or waiting for an introduction, because the spill of crazy feelings is more than we know how to deal with and definitely much more than either one of us consders safe to navigate. ...  Cormac's POV.

Hope ya'll enjoyed!  If this book is anything like "Fall Guy" it should be VERY good!  Thanks!  Be back soon!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sorry... :(

Hey everybody!!

 I know I've been out for most of last week and it will be a little longer until I can fully get back on here and give ya'll the attention deserved.  I've had some medical issues come up this past week and will be under the weather most of this week and next week.  I'll be back at the end of the month or as sooner if possible!   I'm sorry and I'll miss ya'll!

Thank you,


Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Funny!!

This one for some reason just cracks me up!! Hope ya'll laugh too! I also hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend. 

I wonder how many times this had to happen before they put up the sign? hahaha

Friday, March 29, 2013

Music of the Heart by Katie Ashley


Katie Ashley has done it again.  Her writing just blows me away at times.  Her stories are always intense and heart warming. She has an amazing talent with words and putting them together to help draw you in. 

Jake is your egotistical bad boy rocker and he's not use to being told "no!"  But under that bad boy rocker's wall is a soft hearted man wanting to be loved and to love.  When he meets Abby, he's not sure what to think.  He realizes very fast that Abby isn't your typical girl and she's not a groupie.  She actually is everything he would want in a girl... The kind of girl he would want to bring home to his mama.  But can he keep her after screwing up time and time again?  Can his Angel save him?

Abby isn't your everyday kinda girl.  She's talented with music, actually cares about people (even ones she's never met), and she has love to give.  When Abby firsts meets Jake... let's just say she was in for a surprise.  As she gets to know him she sees past his walls, and see's the man inside.  Though he screws up and even tries to push her away several times, it doesn't change her love for him.  But is her love enough?  Can she save him? 

Here's a little something extra for ya'll.....

This book is amazing and it had me laughing and crying at the same time.  I couldn't put it down, nor did I want too.  This is a must read and I will be owning it in paperback as soon as/if it comes out.  I will be recommending to all of my friends... because I just loved these characters.  They had a real connection and Katie did a wonderful job laying it out to where you could actually feel their connection.  This will be a book I turn to again and again.  

Katie Ashley's Bio:

These things always sound overly pretentious, don't they?
*Strokes chin* What to say about me?!!!
Anyway, I was born and raised in the burbs of Atlanta. I'm an only child with a large extended family much like the one in My Big Fat Greek Wedding...except we're Southerners.
I have a BA in English, a BS in Secondary English Education, and a Masters in Adolesecent English Education. I've been teaching English for twelve years in both middle and high school. I've also taught adjunct classes at a local college where I had students waaay older than me, and that was a weird one!
I'm also a former cheerleading coach. Nothing teaches you about life quite like being stuck on a bus with a squad of fifteen year old girls!! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Okay, so I have a couple of questions for ya'll... Please feel free to comment or if you don't want to comment you can send me a email at

    What kind of things would ya'll like to see on my blog?  Besides reviews and such?

    What kind of give aways would ya'll like to see and participate in?

    Would you like to see sneak peeks from Authors?

    What about a guessing game of sorts... Like a passage from a book and you guess what book and author? 

Think about it and let me know.  I'm really interested in everything ya'll have to say. 

Thanks for ya'lls help,



Flat-Out-Matt by Jessica Park


Oh wow! I just love Matt and Julie. I really think that they are one of my favorite book couples. He is just so sweet, thoughtful, attentive, smart, funny, and the list just keeps going! reading in his POV just added something extra to their story and Jessica Park out did herself! She is an amazing auther.

Julie and Matt may have started off with a lot going against them but when they are able to get through those difficulties and see their true feelings for one another, the reader is able to feel the connection between the two as well. If you haven't read "Flat-Out-Love" yet then you need too and then read "Flat-Out-Matt" because you won't be sorry. You'll fall in love with all the characters of this book and want more.

This book is a short read but worth every cent you pay for it and every minute you spend reading it.

Jessica Park's bio:

Author Jessica Park
Jessica Park is the author of the young adult novels FLAT-OUT LOVE and RELATIVELY FAMOUS; five Gourmet Girl mysteries (written as Jessica Conant-Park); and the e-shorts FACEBOOKING RICK SPRINGFIELD and WHAT THE KID SAYS (Parts 1 & 2).
Jessica grew up in the Boston area and attended Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. After spending four years in the frigid north, including suffering through one memorable Halloween blizzard, Jessica hightailed it back to the east coast. She now lives in (relatively balmy) New Hampshire with her husband, son, bananas dog named Fritzy, and two selfish cats. When not writing, Jessica indulges her healthy addictions to Facebook, Rick Springfield, and super-sweet coffee beverages.