Friday, February 22, 2013

Rush By Maya Banks

 This book is intended for Mature Readers!  I'm just going to throw that out first thing.  This is the first time I have ever read anything by Maya Banks but I can assure you it WILL NOT be the last!  I loved her writing style so much.  The minute I picked it up it was a struggle to go to bed every night because I didn't want to put it down.  This book was amazing and I can't wait for the other two to come back out.  I can say that I have now added a new favorite author to my ever growing list of favorite authors.  If you haven't read her books like me and are alittle nervous like I was. I promise you that you have nothing to be nervous about.  She has a wonderful writing style and I couldn't have been happier.  The only thing I was mad about was that I waited so long to read the book since I've had it since it came out! 

Gabe is a highly motivated, highly successful man.  He and his two best friends worked hard to get where they are at the top but not without downfalls along the way.  For Gabe, one of those downfalls is women and love.  After being burned once by his now ex-wife, he refuses to put his heart out there... so everything is like a business deal... contract and all.  The only problem is he wants Mia.  He's lusted after her since she was younger.  The only problem is she is his best friends little sister.  He just can't wait any longer and he's willing to risk his friendship and business realationship to have Mia.  I loved Gabe, he was a wonderful character and he just draws you in.  He's upfront about what he wants and doesn't plan on changing... or does he? 

Mia, is Jace's little sister.  She's down to earth and has been "protected" by Jace her whole life but expecially since their parents where killed in a accident when she was younger.  He stepped up and became the rolls of mother, father, and big brother.  Mia already feels like Jace takes care of her so much... paid for her schooling, bought her apartment, etc.  So she doesn't like asking for things even though she knows he would get anything she asked for.  She works at alittle pastry shop and trys to live off that little bit of money so she doesn't have to ask her brother for anything more than she has too.  Her secret though is she has lusted after her brothers best friend, Gabe, since she was 16.  Now she's 24, her lust has gotten even stronger.  So when Gabe makes a propisition, it's one she just can't refuse even if there is the small minor detail of a contract involved.  Mia knows that Gabe doesn't fall in love but that doesn't stop her from hoping she's different. 

This is a must read!!!  I try not and write spoilers in my reviews because I can't stand to read a spoiler if I haven't read a book.  I like to be surprised each time I turn the page and this book kept me there the entire time.  You won't be sorry that you read this book.  Hope you enjoy as much as I did.  If you have already read it leave a comment on what you though as well.  If you haven't and want to ask a question about the book leave a comment and I will be more than happy to try and answer it for you.  Happy FRIDAY everyone! 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How It Rolls (A Love and Skate Novel) By Lila Felix

Despite the odds, Reed Wolfe is making it, by the skin of her teeth. Her dreams and aspirations will have to wait until she can get on her feet. Because right now she’s homeless and churning on a downward spiral.

Falcon Black is existing. Not living, not thriving, just jutting along a path. When he finds Reed, he can’t resist the urge to help her, lighten her load. But Falcon tends to go overboard, over the line, crossing boundaries he never thought he would and risking her trust in the process.

Can she accept his love or will it end up smothering her?


Where do I begin... hmm... Yes, I know!  I love Falcon Black!  I didn't think I could love him more than I did Owen (his big brother) but I totally fell for him!  He is just beyond sweet and I could have ate him up!  I couldn't put his book down to save my life.  I never thought I would fall for the punk type but I'd take me a Falcon in a heartbeat!  Okay, okay, enough of me going on and on about my book crush on Falcon, now lets get to the good stuff... Falcon and Reed and their story!!

Falcon seems to almost fall for Reed almost as soon as he meets her.  All he wants to do is constantly take care of her.  He finds out her situation and yet doesn't say anything that would hurt her pride.  He finds ways around taking care of her without her knowing he's "taking" care of her so to speak.  There were parts of this book that made me want to cry!  And I didn't even cry during Titanic... because I'm just so hardcore like that... yea we'll go with that :~) HAHA!!  

Reed has been thrown one hard ball after another and doesn't know what to expect with Falcon except that she doesn't want to stop seeing him but at the same time she's not ready to admitt all of her secrets to him either.... her being homeless (she has her pride after all), and she's scared it will make him turn away from her.  She falls for Falcon but of course after the life she has been given she's not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing but tries the best she knows how. 

Seriously, I love them both!!  I can't wait till the Third book comes out about Maddox!!  Plus, I'll have more of my fix of Nellie & Owen and Reed & Falcon. 

Lila Felix is awesome!  I love her writing style and she hasn't wrote a book yet that I didn't enjoy and want to re-read!  This book is a must read and it won't disappoint but before you read this one make sure you pick up "Love and Skate" first.  Again, you won't be sorry!    

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! And Review of "If You Stay" By Courtney Cole

So today is Valentine's Day!  I hope everyone has a wonderful day and if you're looking for a book to read I'm advising you to go out and get "If You Stay" by Courtney Cole.  This book is beyond extraordinary!  I was even mad that I got sick for 2 days and was to sick to even read!  I didn't want to put it down. This book was nothing like I expected and has easily become one of my favorites.


Pax is a character that you just can't help but fall in love with him almost from the very start. He's a bad boy who has issues that even he doesn't seem to understand.  He doesn't think he deserves to have Mila's love and that she's too good for him.  Even though he thinks this he still can't seem to just walk away from her.

Mila is your typical good girl.  She has trust issues and it takes Pax to get her past them.  I couldn't help but love Mila.  She is so strong.  And the entire time I read this book I couldn't help but think the saying by William Shakespear applied to her... "Though she be tiny, She be fierce".  It took a strong mind and heart to do some of the things she did during this book (I won't say bc I don't want to spoil it for anybody who hasn't read this book).

I liked that this book isn't your typical love story.  You know where they are perfect at first, then have a silly/big misunderstanding and break up for a while (not that I don't like those books because lord knows I do but I did like the change up this time), and then get back together.  This didn't follow that outline, it carried a more real life feel and I thoroughly enjoyed the change up.  I can't wait till the second book comes out in this series.  I'll be ready to know more about Pax and Mila but also to get to know Mila's sister Madison better.  Again, if you haven't read this book you are missing out.  Perfect valentine's present to yourself... and depending on your date... you might find it more entertaining!  :)

Courtney Cole is a amazing author.  Her writing style is just phenomenal.  She draws you in from the very beginning and makes you not want to put the book down and wish that it never ends.  I have read almost everything she has wrote and haven't been disappointed yet.  I don't think any of you will be either.  If you haven't read any of her books check out her webpage.... or look her up on Facebook. 

So have any of ya'll read this book yet?  If so what did ya'll think? 


Friday, February 8, 2013


Ok, so I'm finally back and able to blog again!  Been having computer issues but have now been takin care of... FINALLY!  Was going crazy there for a bit!  So I have decided since I've been horrible lately with being able to log on even on my work computer (been swamped) that I'm going to do a give away!!  Anyone interested???  To enter for it you have to follow my blog!  :)  Not so hard right?  When I have 25 followers I'll give away a $25.00 amazon gift card to one of my followers!  If I reach 50 I'll do a drawing for a $50.00 gift card, but lets start with getting 25 follors! 

So what do ya'll thinik?  Want to try and win?  Let's have some fun because I love give aways!  And I'm hoping to do many more!  Thanks!!
